Viktoria Deann Pepitde Cosmeceuticals
A technologically based company that synthesizes in a FDA-certified laboratory its own unique Peptide Messengers that are administered transdermally. Optimizing the cells in growth areas of the skin (dermis and epidermis) allows for an internal re-establishment of the Natural Healthy Cycle. As these supporting layers of the skin peak towards their natural operating function the affects can be seen in the subsequent outer layers corrective balanced exfoliation, skin health, and visible skin beauty.
Peptide Skin Care
Peptides are natural biological messages, produced by the body, in order to communicate necessary tasks to be performed. Peptides are your body’s language and communication network. Each peptide, or message, is composed of a specific order of amino acids (the same building blocks of protein). There are many different amino acids and therefore millions of different combinations or messages that can be made out of them. It is best to think of amino acids like the English alphabet. Alone the letters (amino acids) are just letters, but once you start combining them in a specific combination, they become words, and then words become whole sentences (peptides) which can then communicate an exact message. Some of those messages can promote healthy skin through initiating collagen production or another message to relax facial muscle contracts to help soften wrinkles.
Please view products below and contact me to purchase.
Day Moisturizer
$50.00 View Product -
LACTIC 5% + Collagen
$40.00 View Product -
Night Moisturizer
$44.00 View Product -
$42.00 View Product -
PEPTI-Correct Hp
$76.00 View Product -
$70.00 View Product -
PEPTI-Eye Serum
$64.00 View Product -
$70.00 View Product -
$90.00 View Product -
$76.00 View Product -
$70.00 View Product -
$70.00 View Product -
$76.00 View Product -
Purifying Cleanser
$34.00 View Product -
Ultra Rejuvenator
$74.00 View Product